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Formal Writing

A Collection of Professional and Academic Pieces

Blog Series


Museums hold a treasure-trove of artifacts, and every artifact has a story. During my time working for THATMuse, I explored those artifacts, uncovered their secrets, and shared them with the general public through a series of blog posts. In these posts, you’ll find musings on famous paintings, artifacts, and retellings of historical events. Either way, you’ll end up wanting to go on a treasure hunt yourself.

Literary Analysis


The Arthurian Legends aren’t always full of perfect, dashing knights. In this literary analysis, I do a close-reading of a scene in Chrétien de Troyes Perceval tale to tear through the veil - break the glamour - and show that knights are imperfect men, misogyny reigns terror, and women are often overly villainized in these grand legends.

Research Study


Technology is constantly changing the way we do things. In the academic world, artificial intelligence is one such technology that can be used to aid student learning and writing but it also brings with it a range of concerns and limitations. As a still-developing system, AI has a lot to learn, and we need to learn with it. So, what exactly can it do and what can’t it do?


This study explores these thoughts. Thus, through interviews, observations, and document analysis, I’ll attempt to answer the question: how accessible is assistive AI technology as it pertains to writing and learning?

Mock Grant Proposal


Pretending as if I were an emerging researcher in the writing studies field, I composed a formal yet fake grant proposal where I outlined the question, my proposed methods of answering said question, the expected budget, and my reasonings behind the importance of this study.


In all, this was a great exercise in researching a topic and designing a study without the pressure of actually conducting the entire thing.

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