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When Sleep Is Both the Last and First Thing On My Mind

This story is about a lot of things, but mostly about idiots.1


I’m an idiot because I’m a procrastinating, sleep-deprived zombie. But that’s okay. I think.


I find it helps to organize chores into categories: things I won’t do now; things I won’t do later; things I’ll never do.2


Like I’m a senior so the list is endless, so nothing ever gets done. I’m going to stop putting things off, starting tomorrow.3


Yes, tomorrow.


Tomorrow – a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivations, and achievement is stored.4


I feel so very productive.


I told myself I’d have fun senior year. Fun takes up a lot of time. Time spent away from being “productive.” I do it anyway. The class assignment, job, or graduate application seems scarily secondary. Sorry.


Honestly. I’m tired all the time. Even when I do nothing at all.


We don’t have a plan, we just do our best to get through the day, because there’ll be another one coming along tomorrow.5


Advice? I think you need advice.


Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends. It’s important for your body to have a regular sleeping schedule.6


Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.7


Drink water, eat fruit, keep your immune system strong. Stay healthy! Get that rest!8


Don’t ignore or deny your personal and academic problems.9


Go home straight after work and just pass out.10


Break your large tasks down into manageable subtasks.11


I am sure it will all get better once you rest.12


Why? My brother says sleep is for the weak. Then again, he’s way younger than me.


Successful people know that sleep matters.13


But I’m a failure! I won’t know how bad until later!


Over the last decade, colleges and universities have seen alarming increases in stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges among their students.14


See. Exactly. I need sleep.


Did you know?


  • Our brain removes toxins that build up throughout the day as we sleep.

  • Most people can survive for up to 2 months without food, but only 11 days without sleep.

  • Humans are the only mammals that willingly delay sleep. 15


Too bad we’re at Work Forest. Lol.


Wait there’s more! Sleepin’ Deacon is the Office of Wellbeing’s annual campus-wide initiative which focuses on sleep education and the promotion of healthy sleep habits.16




Enormous energy from the pack of students waiting in line and chatting. For being early in the morning (at least in student terms), Wake Up Wednesday feels like a lot of fun. It’s amazing how getting a free morning treat boosts your mood.17


If only I could wake up early enough. I slept through my alarm again.


My Alarm:


4:00 AM

4:15 AM

4:30 AM

5:00 AM

5:30 AM

5:45 AM

6:00 AM

6:30 AM

6:45 AM

7:00 AM

7:15 AM

7:30 AM

8:00 AM

8:30 AM

9:00 AM


Class started at 8:00.


Attendance is taken every class. NO matter how justified it may be, do not simply disappear or go off on your own. If you have legitimate reasons for excessive absences (more than 4 class sessions), I will expect an explanation. The university administration requires me to report missing students to the dean.18




I still wanted to make time for having fun.19


I’m a night owl. Not by choice. At least not all the time.


Well don’t embarrass yourself and fall asleep in class!20


Too late.


I know. I’m terrible.


It’s either go to class exhausted or fail an assignment cause you didn’t do it.


I hate F’s more than I love sleep.


Missing a class does not exempt you from that day’s assignment or any assignment due the following class, including work to be handed in. 21


That confirms it. All-Nighter here I come!


Well…you probably do your best work under pressure!22


Also, my inbox is overflowing. Is that normal? See:


Hi class, we will meet at the WakerSpace today at 11. Please show up 5 minutes early, as Paul Whitener will start exactly at 11 in order to cover all the 3D printing software by 12 noon, when campus closes. Thanks for being troopers everyone!23


I didn’t sign up for this! Oh. Wait. I did. Shit.


Please note that the reading for next Tuesday is again, pretty hefty. You have been forewarned. :) 24


Like miss m’am why do we need more homework we’re completing something worth 20% of our grade for some reason.25


The thought that I have to translate a whole stanza of poetry after this.26


Hitting that eight-page mark was the greatest joy I’ve ever felt.27


Our classes will not be meeting in-person today. Please complete this before midnight tonight. You know a really great time to do it? Our regular class time!28


I was so confused about what the assignment was. It is not what I needed at 4:00 AM last night. 29


I’m just starting my last article. I’m in shambles.30


Please note that I have extended the annotated bibliography deadline to the end of next week. I’m not a monster; it can’t be due the day after Halloween.31


It’s the end of the week. I haven’t started yet.


Hey. Guess what! I’m running on 2 hours of sleep! How about you!?


Me? I am so prepared for class. That’s sarcasm btw.


By now, I knew this was not a sustainable strategy, but I was unable to change my ways.32


Papers don’t write themselves and I’m a horrible procrastinator. Page two and I feel like I’m hitting every roadblock ever.33


I’m so sad.


On a rare occasion, there may be a classmate who ignores, scorns, or “zones out” during a session. This is unacceptable behavior for a college class; it disrespects classmates, the subject, and the professor.34


Caffeine it!35


How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to feeling just tired? This refers to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you haven’t done some of these things recently, try to work out how they would have affected you.


Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation:

0 = would never doze

1 = slight chance of dozing

2 = moderate chance of dozing

3 = high chance of dozing


It is important that you answer each question as best you can.36


I dozed in class. Does that count?


I dunno. How many classes are you taking?


The normal load for a full-time undergraduate student is 15 credit hours per semester. The maximum credit hours allowed in the College without permission is 17, and the maximum allowed in the School of Business is 18. A student who feels that he or she has valid and compelling reasons to register for more than the maximum hours in a semester must seek permission.37


That’s a lot. I am like going to be up until 4 every night I fear.38


The form to submit your courses for pre-registration is linked below. You may edit your response after submitting as long as the form is open; I will use your most recent submission when registering you. The form will be open until midnight, Tuesday October 25th. 39


Tuesdays are pretty busy for me.


Applications and all supporting documents must be received on or before the priority deadlines OR the Program Deadlines whichever is earlier. The Graduate School Priority Deadlines are shown below. Note that applications must be submitted to the Graduate School by midnight Eastern Standard Time on the deadline.40


Lmao 5:00 tomorrow in case y’all weren’t reminded enough today.41


Gosh. There’s so much going on.


The Link, which feeds the Corq app, can show you upcoming events by student organizations, and is searchable by date, theme, and more. Be sure to check regularly for events that may be of interest to you.42


Be in the know. Get emails delivered to your mailbox each week to learn about the most important, timely job, internship, and grad school opportunities, events, resources, people, and more.43


Get those job applications rolling out!!44


Roles are posted in Handshake. Deadline to apply is Monday, October 24th. 45


They did say if you see a job you are interested in…apply ASAP…don’t wait until the deadline.46


Sorry yesterday was busy and I forgot. Please set aside about 30 minutes to complete this Google Form.47


Just starting my third. I’m at my wit’s end.48


It’s already November…I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing. Ugh.


Oh! Don’t forget about work! You do work today, right?


We’re going to meet this Sunday at 9pm to do the weekend scheduling for November. Text us if there is absolutely no way you can come – it will be on zoom and take <30 minutes.49


It’s been hours.


Hi! I’m so sorry that I would probably be late for no more than fifteen minutes on tonight’s shift cuz I have an 6-8 accounting exam.50


But I’m busy too!


Especially since I wrote an entire essay last night…again.


I am definitely going to take a course on time management... just as soon as I can work it into my schedule.51


Only you can make it better! Use your time wisely.52


I still wanted to make time for having fun53


I still need to work.


I still need to finish my homework.


I still need to submit that application.


I still need to sleep.


I still need to do all that and more.


Because the terrible thing about becoming an adult is being forced to realize that absolutely nobody cares about us, we have to deal with everything ourselves now, find out how the whole world works.54


My washed up senior ass has exited. It’s bed time.55


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